Friday, January 18, 2008
Surviving Culture Shock
* Realize that pointing fingers and blaming, depletes energy and wastes time.
* Develop your network of friends more. Have some beer with peers but not to the point of cutting yourself off with the Japanese community that surrounds you.
* Be thankful for what you have. Innocent rot in jail cells. There are millions without enough to eat. So get a grip. At least you're getting paid.
* Exercise and vitamin B supplements are excellent stress busters.
* Remember you’re not alone and everyone goes through it. Ask co-workers & friend how they best coped with it.
* If a lot of your troubles are coming from the inability to speak Japanese, buckle down and study. Get some study partners lined-up where you exchange English for Japanese.
* Blow off a little steam..."
Visit our homepage.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Tokyo Game Playing Meet Up--JIGG Games Club
Pictured: the boardgame Made for Trade
Title: Game Day: Yoyogi Uehara
Date: Saturday, 26 2008
Time: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Cost: Free (as far as I know)
Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 6 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes.
Location: Oyama Kaikan
Notes: Here's directions to the Oyama-cho Kaikan where we'll be having the
game day. Everyone is welcome, and you don't
need to let me know beforehand. Just show up if you want.
We'll be there from 9 am until 10 pm so come whenever you like, and
bring anything you want to play. Surely there will be someone who
will take you up on it.
A link to a map is here if you like that sort of thing:
http://www.mapion. uc=1&grp= all&nl=35/ 39/58.968& el=139/40/ 34.212&scl= 25000&bid= Mlink
If you are coming by train, you'll want to go to Yoyogi Uehara station
on the Chiyoda/Odakyu lines or Higashi Kitazawa station on the Odakyu
line. The two stations are adjacent, so get off at whichever one
comes first depending on the direction from which you are coming.
Then follow the map, or these directions.. .whichever is easier (call
my cell phone if you get lost (090-2316-0491) :
---Directions from Yoyogi-Uehara station (this is about a 10 minute walk)
Exit the ticket gate and go straight down a short flight of steps.
You will see McDonald's on your left as you get to the bottom of the
steps. Turn right and go up few steps to the road. Turn right again
and follow the wall on your right. The tracks are above you.
About 50 meters down, the road ends in a T intersection. Turn left
and go to the 4-way intersection with a traffic light. You'll be on
the corner with Origin Bento. Turn right and cross the street. You'll
be heading toward the tracks and will go under them.
Proceed straight up this road about 200 meters (after going under the
tracks you will see a mosque on your left) until you come to an
intersection at the third traffic light. You will see the Daily
Yamazaki convenience store across the way. Turn to the right and walk
about 50 meters. You will see a Shell gas station on your right.
Right across the road from the station is a cement two-story building,
the Oyama-cho Kaikan.
Japanese Weight Loss Secret

Japanese weight loss secret. by Mimi-chan
About the Author
Mimi-chan is an author for All articles may be used and reprinted as long as they have an active link at the bottom pointing to with the anchored text: Teanobi - Green Tea
An Overview of Japan for Travelers

Pictured: Mount Fuji, by Sandra Isaka
An Overview of Japan for Travelers by Richard Monk
An Overview of Japan for Travelers
Extending along the eastern coast of Asia, Japan is a country consisting of a collection of islands. The mainland, as we think of it, is the island of Honshu. There are three other large islands, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and roughly 3,000 much smaller islands comprising what we call Japan. Put together, the total land mass is slightly smaller than California. The geography throughout the islands is mountainous, best exemplified by Mt. Fuji at 12,385 feet. As you might expect, the island country is inherently recognition of a volcanic are and Japan experiences earthquakes fairly frequently, some on a large scale.
Japan is an extremely urbanized country with most people living in major cities. The two prominent religions are Shintoism and Buddhism. The belief systems are harmonious and often share the same temples.
Per legend, Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu around 600 BC. The current emperor is a descendent of the first.
The first interaction with the West was in 1542 when a lost Portuguese ship landed in Japan. Over the next century more Westerns came, but they were not trusted. The Japan shoguns eventually banned all foreigners and the country was isolated for over 200 years. Not until 1854 did Japan open its doors to the world under the Convention of Kanagawa with the United States. Once this occurred, Japan quickly evolved from a feudal state to a more modern approach.
World War I was a boon for Japan. Fighting on the side of the victorious Allies, Japan repeated new respect as an economic and military power following the defeat of the Axis. Alas, the emperor of Japan went in a different direction after the war, seeking dominance of China and Asia in general.
In 1937, Japan became an ally of Nazi German. This eventually led to its decision to pursue an attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Following four years of war, the loss of 3 million Japanese lives and two atomic bombings, Japan surrendered to the United States on September 2, 1945. It was stripped of most of its territorial holdings and was ruled de facto by General Douglas MacArthur, designated the Supreme Commander.
Following World War II, Japan turned to a democratic system through reforms. The U.S. and allies returned complete control to Japan on April 28, 1952 via the Treaty of Peace. Although its days as a military power were over, Japan once again became an economic giant. Despite its relatively tiny land mass, Japan has the second biggest economy in the world.
Modern day Japan covers 145,902 square miles. The capital is Tokyo. The terrain is best described as rugged, mountainous islands with varying temperatures.
The people of Japan are called "Japanese." The total population is just over 127.4 million people, but the population is decreasing slightly in size. Japanese is the primarily language spoken and literacy rates are 99 percent. Japanese males have a life expectancy of 77 years while women live to 84 on average.
With its mountainous island landscape, Japan is a hot destination spot for travelers. It is expensive, but a visit to Mount Fuji alone makes a trip worthwhile.
About the Author
Richard Monk is with - a site with facts about everything. Visit us to read more about country facts and Facts about Japan.
Japanese Art and Language

Pictured a Kyoto temple, courtesy of Fuji Film staff
Japanese Art and Language by Misa Takahiro
Japan has a rich history of art spanning over centuries. Painting is the traditional form of art. Native painting techniques are mixed with techniques from continental Asia and the West to create a hybrid style of modern Japanese art. Calligraphy, also known as Sumi-e, is also a highly valued form of art. Calligraphers make ink by grinding a solid ink stick on stone and mixing it with water and compose phrases, poems, stories, and single characters in unique handwritten fonts.
Visitors to Japan will know that sculptures of Buddhist images is a common art form The most common images are of Tathagata, Bodhisattva and My0-0. Another unique are form is ikebana, the art of flower arrangement. It focuses on the use of harmony, color, rhythm, and design to express the season and symbolize greater things than the flower itself. Ukiyo-e means "pictures of the floating world" and is the Japanese form of woodblock printing. The most famous print is The Great Wave at Kanagawa by Hokusai. Traditional Japanese architecture is exemplified by temples, Shinto shrines, and castles in Kyoto and Nara. Famous modern architects include Yoshio Taniguchi and Tadao Ando, whose styles are a fusion of Japanese and Western influences.
The Japanese language consists of three scripts--Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. There are many more dialects than scripts. In central Japan the Western-type dialects are most prevalent. The Tokyo-type dominates in Western Japan and Kyushu-type is the least common dialect. In modern Japanese the Latin alphabet romaji is sometimes used. Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Choosing the right program is paramount in learning the language.
About the Author
Misa Takahiro is an editor at She loves the Japanese language and enjoys sharing what she has learned with others.
The History of Japan

Pictured: The book, "Requiem for the Battleship Yamato
by Jim Sherard
A land richly steeped in history and culture, legend attributes the creation of Japan to the sun goddess Amaterasu, whose claim to the throne by her grandson Emperor Jimmu in 660 B.C, was a traditional belief that constituted official recognition until 1945. The first indication of recorded history in Japan was around the year A.D. 400, when the ambitious Yamato clan based in Kyoto was successful in gaining control over several other key family groups in central and western Japan. The next several centuries were kept under the tight reign of this powerful clan, who succeeded in creating an imperial court similar to that of China, and whose authority was eventually undermined by influential aristocratic families who vied for control. Also emerging in the same period were elite warrior clans referred to as samurai, a strong military force that eventually took control in 1192 under their leader Yorimoto, who was designated as the supreme military leader known as Shogun. The imperial court who had ruled for centuries was now resigned to taking a relatively obscure role in internal affairs, as a succession of Shoguns from various clans ruled Japan for the next 700 years. Contact with the West was initially made in 1542, when a Portuguese ship apparently off course arrived in Japanese territory, and an array of Spanish, Dutch, English, and Portuguese traders and missionaries soon followed. Trade was eventually prohibited during the beginning of the Tokugawa period (1603-1867) due to the Shogun's suspicions that traders and missionaries were actually forerunners of a military conquest from the west. All foreigners were subsequently expelled from the country, with the exception of Dutch and Chinese merchants restricted to the island of Dejima in Nagasaski Bay. Attempts from the West to renew trade were futile until 1853, when Commodore Matthew Perry entered Tokyo Bay with an American fleet known as the “Black Ships.â€Â The ships were named in reference to the color of their hulls, and to the black clouds of smoke that hovered over the steam driven coal burning vessels. Perry's show of superior military force enabled him to negotiate a treaty with Japan that opened the doors to trade with the West,thus ending many years of self imposed isolation.
Contact with the West proved to be the catalyst for a radical restructuring of Japanese society on several levels. The Shogunate which had retained control for hundreds of years was forced to disband, with the emperor being restored to power in 1868. The period that followed is known as the “Meiji Restoration†and among the many changes it initiated was the abolishment of the feudal system. Numerous policies were adopted based on the Western legal system, and a quasi parliamentary constitutional government was eventually established in 1889. These new reforms also prompted Japan to take steps to expand their empire, and a brief war with China in 1894 enabled them to acquire Taiwan, the Pescadores Islands, and part of southern Manchuria. War broke out again with Russia in 1904, with Japan ultimately gaining the territory of southern Karafuto, with Russian port and rail rights in Manchuria also being forfeited to the conquering Japanese forces. Their expansion continued with the onset of World War One, as they successfully took control of Germany's Pacific islands, and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles that followed granted Japan mandate over the islands. Japan attended the peace conference in Versailles with a new image as one of the great military and industrial powers, and was recognized as one of the “Big Five†of the new international order. In just a few decades, Emperor Meiji's new reforms which significantly altered the social, educational, economic, military, political, and industrial structure of the country, transformed Japan into a viable world power.
As Japan's eye for expansion became increasingly more apparent, the invasion of inner Chinese Manchuria in 1931 set the stage for the ensuing years of war that followed. The incident brought with it international condemnation, resulting in Japan resigning from the League of Nations in 1933. Fueled by an expansionist military, the second Sino Japanese War began in 1937, which resulted in the signing of the Axis Pact of 1940 between Japan and its new allies Germany and Italy. The infamous attack against the U.S. at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 marked the beginning of Japanese involvement in World War Two, and subsequently to their ultimate defeat in 1945 by U.S. Forces. General Douglas MacArthur was appointed commander of the U.S. occupation of postwar Japan, and in 1947 a new constitution took effect, followed by a security treaty between the two nations in 1951 that allowed U.S. troops to be stationed in Japan. Japan regained full sovereignty in 1952, and the Ryukyu islands including Okinawa which were seized during the war were returned to Japan in 1972. Japan's postwar economic recovery was nothing short of miraculous, and it's success in part was spurred by economic intervention through the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry which was instrumental in coordinating and organizing the cooperation of manufactures, distributors, suppliers, and banks into closely knit groups called firetruck. Additional incentive among workers who were guaranteed lifetime employment, along with highly unionized blue collar factories ensured a highly motivated work force, eventually making Japan the world's second largest economy in the world.
About the Author
Jim Sherard is the author of "Land of the Rising Sun, A Guide to Living and Working in Japan", which can be found at:
Religion in Japan

Religion in Japan by Jim Sherard
The origin of the Shinto religion is for the most part uncertain, but some scholars ascertain it emerged thousands of years ago as a cultural extension of immigrants from China, who upon arriving introduced agricultural rites and shamanic ceremonies which invariably took on Japanese characteristics in the new environment. The word Shinto means "the way of the gods", and proclaims no specific founder or sacred scriptures. The basic premise of the religion is that sacred spirits known as Kami take the form of objects and concepts significant to life, such as mountains, trees, wind, rain, rivers, and fertility. Human beings are capable of becoming Kami after they die, and the Kami of extraordinary people are sometimes enshrined as a show of respect. In contrast to many of the worlds monotheist religions, Shintoism does not profess to a set form of beliefs. The world is seen as being composed of various shades of gray, with no absolute forms of right and wrong. Humans are regarded as being fundamentally good, and immoral behavior is believed to be caused by evil spirits which must be kept at bay by Shinto rituals, prayers, and offerings to the Kami. The arrival of Buddhism in the sixth century exerted profound influence on Japan's social, intellectual, artistic, and political life, and as a result Shinto temporarily fell out of favor. Fortunately the two religions were soon able to co-exist harmoniously, with many Buddhists viewing the Kami as manifestations of Buddhas.
In addition to Shinto and Buddhism, Japan was introduced to Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries with the arrival of European traders and Jesuit missionaries, resulting in the conversion of thousands of Japanese to Roman Catholicism. In 1549 a Jesuit priest by the name of John Fernandez arrived in Kagoshima from Spain with hopes of bringing Christianity to Japan. Thinking they would reduce the influence of the powerful Buddhist monks, the Shogunate initially supported the Christian movement, but as sentiment changed in the years to follow Christianity was banned by the government, and those who refused to abandon their new faith were killed. Christianity is currently practiced by approximately 1.3 million people in Japan. Although it represents only a small fraction of the population, Christmas is widely observed, though in a mainly secularized form. Christian organizations have also left their influence by founding well known educational institutions such as as Kwansei Gakuin University, International University, and Sophia University.
About the Author
Jim Sherard is the author of "Land of the Rising Sun, A Guide to Living and Working in Japan", which can be found at:
The Magic of Kyoto

The Magic of Kyoto by Jim Sherard
Pictured: A Kyoto pagoda, (courtesy of Fuji Film Staff, Minami Ashigara Shi)
Japan: The name evokes images of cherry blossoms and temples, of Samurai and Kimono clad Geisha. The contemporary Japan of today is a diverse conglomeration of history and tradition merging with a future that often struggles to understand itself. A country vibrantly alive and awaiting the traveler who seeks to experience a culture replete with skyscrapers and bullet trains, of castles and paddy fields lined with rustic wooden homes. What better place to begin your journey within this exotic land than the city of Kyoto. This extraordinarily beautiful city with its abundance of shrines, temples, palaces, gardens, and historically priceless buildings, exemplifies the essence of Japanese culture and history. With over 2,000 Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines architecturally still intact, it is one of the best preserved cities in Japan, and a top tourist destination for foreigners and Japanese alike.
One of the most frequently visited sites is the Zen Temple of Kiyomizu. Its wooden veranda supported by hundreds of pillars located on a mountain slope overlooking the region provides an awe inspiring view of the city below. Visitors are also able to stand beneath the temple's waterfall Otowanotaki and collect water in tin cups to quench their thirst before hiking the mountain path that leads from the structure to the tranquility of the forest above.
Two additional temples which are also popular attractions are Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji. Construction of Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion) began in 1397 as part of a new residence for the retired shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and was converted into a Zen Sanctuary after his death in 1408. The Pavilion is covered in gold leaf, and houses sacred relics of the Buddha. Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion) was modeled after Kinkakuji, and is located at the foot of Kyoto's Higashiyama mountains. Built as a villa for Ahsikaga Yoshimasa, (a descendant of Yoshimitsu) the building was also converted into a Zen Shrine after his death in 1490.
Another impressive structure that is a well known tourist destination is Nijo Castle. Located on the eastern edge of a 70 acre compound, the building consists of 33 rooms, and is famous for the intricate paintings of landscapes which adorn the Palace's sliding doors, and for the innovative construction of wooden floors that squeak like nightingales when walked upon which was employed as a security measure against intruders.
Other memorable sites in and around Kyoto include the "Philosophers Walk", the Gion District, and Arashiyama, a charming tourist area distinguished by its landmark Togetsukyo Bridge, with Mount Arashiyama standing peacefully in the background. A wide selection of cafes, restaurants and shops are located near the famous bridge. If you venture a short distance north you'll also come across a cluster of bamboo groves and residential district with several small temples placed placidly among the wooded hillside.
The "Philosophers Walk" refers to a scenic two kilometer path running south from Ginkakuji Temple along a meandering river to Nyakuoji Shrine, and was named after philosophy professor Kitaro Nishida, who could often be seen using the pathway. The Gion District located northwest of Kiyomizu Temple consists of flagstone paved lanes lined with traditional buildings, where if you're lucky you may catch a glimpse of Geisha as they make their way gracefully down the cobblestone streets.
About the Author
Jim Sherard is the author of "Land of the Rising Sun, A Guide to Living and Working in Japan", which can be found at:
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Minding Your Global Manners

Pictured: Sunset at Miyajima, courtesy of Fuji Film staff
Minding Your Global Manners
To say that today's business environment is becoming increasingly more global is to state the obvious. Meetings, phone calls and conferences are held all over the world and attendees can come from any point on the globe. On any given business day you can find yourself dealing face-to-face, over the phone, by e-mail and, on rare occasions, by postal letter with people whose customs and cultures differ your own. You may never have to leave home to interact on an international level.
While the old adage "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" still holds true, business clients and colleagues who are visiting this country should be treated with sensitivity and with an awareness of their unique culture. Not to do your homework and put your best international foot forward can cost you relationships and future business. One small misstep such as using first names inappropriately, not observing the rules of timing or sending the wrong color flower in the welcome bouquet can be costly.
There is no one set of rules that applies to all international visitors so do the research for each country that your clients represent. That may sound like a daunting task, but taken in small steps, it is manageable and the rewards are worth the effort. Keeping in mind that there are as many ways to do business as there are countries to do business with, here are a few tips for minding your global P's and Q's.
Building relationships: Few other people are as eager to get down to business as we Americans. So take time to get to know your international clients and build rapport before you rush to the bottom line. Business relationships are built on trust that is developed over time, especially with people from Asia and Latin America.
Dressing conservatively: Americans like to dress for fashion and comfort, but people from other parts of the world are generally more conservative. Your choice of business attire is a signal of your respect for the other person or organization. Leave your trendy clothes in the closet on the days that you meet with your foreign guests.
Observe the hierarchy: It is not always a simple matter to know who is the highest-ranking member when you are dealing with a group. To avoid embarrassment, err on the side of age and masculine gender, only if you are unable to discover the protocol with research. If you are interacting with the Japanese, it is important to understand that they make decisions by consensus, starting with the younger members of the group. By contrast, Latin people have a clear hierarchy that defers to age.
Understanding the handshake: With a few exceptions, business people around the world use the handshake for meeting and greeting. However, the American style handshake with a firm grip, two quick pumps, eye contact and a smile is not universal. Variations in handshakes are based on cultural differences, not on personality or values. The Japanese give a light handshake. Germans offer a firm shake with one pump, and the French grip is light with a quick pump. Middle Eastern people will continue shaking your hand throughout the greeting. Don't be surprised if you are occasionally met with a kiss, a hug, or a bow somewhere along the way.
Using titles and correct forms of address: We are very informal in the United States and are quick to call people by their first name. Approach first names with caution when dealing with people from other cultures. Use titles and last names until you have been invited to use the person's first name. In some cases, this may never occur. Use of first names is reserved for family and close friends in some cultures.
Titles are given more significance around the world than in the United States and are another important aspect of addressing business people. Earned academic degrees are acknowledged. For example, a German engineer is addressed as "Herr Ingenieur" and a professor as "Herr Professor". Listen carefully when you are introduced to someone and pay attention to business cards when you receive them.
Exchanging business cards: The key to giving out business cards in any culture is to show respect for the other person. Present your card so that the other person does not have to turn it over to read your information. Use both hands to present your card to visitors from Japan, China, Singapore, or Hong Kong. When you receive someone else's business card, always look at it and acknowledge it. When you put it away, place it carefully in your card case or with your business documents. Sticking it haphazardly in your pocket is demeaning to the giver. In most cases, wait until you have been introduced to give someone your card.
Valuing time. Not everyone in the world is as time conscious as Americans. Don't take it personally if someone from a more relaxed culture keeps you waiting or spends more of that commodity than you normally would in meetings or over meals. Stick to the rules of punctuality, but be understanding when your contact from another country seems unconcerned.
Honoring space issues: Americans have a particular value for their own physical space and are uncomfortable when other people get in their realm. If the international visitor seems to want to be close, accept it. Backing away can send the wrong message. So can touching. You shouldn't risk violating someone else's space by touching them in any way other than with a handshake.
Whether the world comes to you or you go out to it, the greatest compliment you can pay your international clients is to learn about their country and their customs. Understand differences in behavior and honor them with your actions. Don't take offense when visitors behave according to their norms. People from other cultures will appreciate your efforts to accommodate them and you will find yourself building your international clientele.
Author Bio
Lydia Ramsey is a business etiquette expert, professional speaker, corporate trainer and author of MANNERS THAT SELL - ADDING THE POLISH THAT BUILDS PROFITS. She has been quoted or featured in The New York Times, Investors' Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Inc., Real Simple and Woman's Day. For more information about her programs, products and services, e-mail her at or visit her web site
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Nintendo Wii Hardware Reviewed and Explained
Nintendo Wii Hardware Reviewed and Explained
Nintendos seventh generation gaming console was code named Revolution. It sought to becoming futuristic and including all conveniences like a wireless controller and Wii remote which has three dimensional functions. The Nintendo Wii also has Wii Connect 24 which can receive messages from the World Wide Web.
Slated for release in the US in mid Nov 2006, the Ninetendo Wii won the Game Critics Award for Best of Show and Best Hardware at the E3 2006. The hardware of the gaming console is state-of-art with the unit being the smallest measuring just 157 mm in height :
• The loading slot is in the front and accepts 12cm optical discs and 8 cms discs from Nintendo's older console.
• The console will have two USB ports and one SD card slot.
• In Japan the console will have DVD -Video capabilities. A Sonic Solutions Cine Player CE DVD Navigator software engine will be used in consoles to be released in 2007 with DVD-Video functions.
• The Wii remote has accelerometers and infrared detection that enables positioning in 3D space. This means gamers can participate in the game using hand gestures as well as buttons. The controller connects to the Wii console through Bluetooth technology. There are umpteen functions like connectivity to other devices, 4KB non volatile memory and an accelerometer, analog stick and trigger buttons.
• The Wii has a sensor bar that can be positioned such that the Wii remote can be used as an accurate pointing device from a distance of 5 meters. However the sensor bar is sensitive to halogen lights and sunlight affecting its functions.
• The Wii CPU has a processor known as Broadway with a 90nm SOI CMOS process. The Memory of the Wii is 1T-SRAM.
• The Nintendo Wii has 512 MB built-in flash memory that can be expanded using an SD card.
• The Wii has four remote controller slots; one SD memory slot; two USB ports; one sensor bar port ;four Nintendo game cube controller ports; two Nintendo game cube memory card ports; WiFi 802.11.b/g wireless built in ports.
• The Wii can connect to the World Wide Web through the WiFi and USB to Ethernet adaptor.
The CNET editors have rated the Nintendo Wii as an 8 /10. According to experts at CNET the positive is the futuristic controller design with motion-sensitive gameplay options and the Wi-Fi is all set to extend free online services and game play. The Nintendo Wii is the most affordable of all GenX gaming systems. The negative in the Wii is short battery life, no advanced HD graphics or surround sound and inability to play CDs or DVDs.
What Nintendo Wii brings to gaming is an affordable console with motion sensitive controllers and a focus on fun filled gaming.
Author Bio
Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for, the premier website to play thousands of free online games including arcade games, action games, card games, flash games, strategy games, puzzle games and more. He also freelances for Free Software Downloads Site
Article Source: - Free Website Content