Saturday, April 12, 2008

Reasonably Priced International School in Kanagawa

by Clarence Collins

For all you foreigners looking to get your children a good education but can`t
afford the Yokohama International school, have a look here:\

We went and checked out the open house at the main school in Tokyo today, and it
seems like a very good school at a reasonable price.

The thing is, there doesn`t seem to be enough interest to open the Yokohama
school yet.

My thinking is, get some other foreigners to express interest in this so they
are able to fill the classes and we can all send our kids to get a good
education without taking out a second or third mortgage to pay for it.

Check it out if you have kids, call the school and ask about it... the more we
get in Yokohama that want this, the better chance they will open up.

Clarence Collins

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